Tuesday, October 4, 2011

May 10, 2011—Testimony from Uganda


Uganda as a country has a population estimated at 31 million which is growing at an annual growth rate of about 3.4% implying that by 2025, Uganda could be having a 40 million people. Out of the current population 80% live in the rural areas and only 20% live in the urban centers. Unfortunately, all the major churches and majority of the ministries operating in Uganda are concentrated in the urban centers reaching the 20% and very little effort is done to reach the rural population (villages). To make this situation even worse, some of the rural areas in Uganda have been badly hit by rebel insurgencies which closed the road for the gospel in Northern and North Eastern regions of the country. The ministries that exist in the rural areas are those that either had their beginnings in those villages or zealous untrained or un sent converts with very little covering if any. This scenario has accounted for many churches in the rural areas that have not made any impact and have continued to exist as a group of misfits and thus not transforming their communities.


It was in 2007 while in Kampala city when the Almighty God gave me the assignment to leave the city and reach the villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Humanly speaking this seemed to be an impossible task. Both I and my wife were working in Kampala city after we graduated from Makerere University. The Lord asked us to sow every asset we had in Kampala. The Lord spoke to us a number of times and each time His voice was so clear. We had several questions to ask the Lord and He answered them all and the 21st Aug, 2007, We chose to take the direction of the Lord for us. We left Kampala city Empty handed to a Village named Kapyani were we stayed in a one room grass thatched house, we begun to preach Christ Door to Door and on the 27th Aug, 2007 , the first church in that village was born by God.

Many people looked at I and my wife as people who were confused, bewitched and wasted. They always said how could we just leave well paying jobs in the city and end up in very remote villages in the names of preaching the gospel. Through several challenges we focused onto the Lord and the instructions the Lord gave us. God in His faithfulness always proved to the people that we were not what they thought by pouring the Holy Spirit to touch whoever, came in our meetings, followed by testimonies of healing, deliverance and breakthroughs in their lives.

Majority of the first converts in these villages were old people who could not help themselves and youth the majority of them had dropped out of school. The Lord continued to bring people who were in very had situations and each came expecting an answer from the Jesus we were talking about. Jesus remained Lord in all situations and to date we are slowly by His pace reaching to other villages. At this moment allow me request you to pray for us always so that the Lord fully empowers us to reach as many Villages as possible before He returns.

In 2008 the situation grew worse. I remember the time I fasted 3 days without eating and drinking asking God one thing to give me money to shave my head. The hair and beards had grown to a level that associated me more to terrorists. The time before I went to the room as you will read in the coming pages, we could not afford two meals a day. I told Joyce my wife that this situation is a special invitation from the Lord to seek His face at another level. We begun to seek the face of the Lord and for six months we ate one meal a day while praying that the God who sent us to the Villages would fully equip us with all the tools for His work to be effectively done and accomplished. Genesis chapter 40 became more real.

Through the six months, the Lord enabled us to purchase 50 Iron sheets by installment payment for that breakthrough. After one week of completing the payment, that Sunday morning I had just finished to pray, I heard a voice telling me “Fred you sow those 50 iron sheets to Chosen Ministries and to Christ’s Revival Gospel Team Ministries”. Immediately I replied in hesitation ”what do you mean"?. He asked me a question: Supposing you have 5kg of bean seeds and you want to get more seeds what don you do?. You plant the 5kgs in the soil, I replied. He further asked me another question: What if you have 5kg of maize seeds and you want to get more what do you do? I plant the 5kgs in the soil, I replied. At that point the person who spoke with me told me, the 50 iron sheets are a seed given the work I want to do in the villages and in that place. I was left with no option but to obey His voice.

After sowing the iron sheets to those ministries, the Christians who always stood with me financially abandoned me and even left the church saying now let your God help you. At this moment please allow me say “thank you Lord Jesus for your faithfulness in all situations”


In Aug 2008, I had many questions to ask the Lord and I determined in my heart to seek the face of the Lord until Jesus becomes more real to me than ever before. I was a child who had no father, mother as well as relatives because I did not have a spiritual father. I Shared with my wife and left for Kampala, rented a room for one month, locked up my self in the room and gave the keys to my wife and told her to come and open the room after 20 days. Within those days I ate no food nor took any drink. I was tired of being a spiritual orphan.

Among the many things (experiences) I had with the Lord, for a number of times the Lord brought a picture of a white man and in each time a voice told me “you are going to work with him and through him you will get a father”. It happened that way for seven times and on different days. The seventh time I asked the Lord how I will meet with that person. That night I had a dream when I was sending an email to that person. I woke up when the email address is still clear ,I got a pen and wrote it down. After coming out of the fast I went and wrote few sentences and sent to that email, to my amazement I received a reply from H.I.M Pasadena CA referring me to get in touch with Bishop Simon Karisa of Kenya.I had never gone to Kenya before but the Lord encouraged me to go. I took a step of faith to go to a country I had never gone before to meet a person I had never seen before. I met Bishop Simon Karisa of Kenya and the Lord used him to speak words of encouragement to me. I came back to Uganda refreshed and with more courage to face the enemy. In my heart I knew the journey has begun for me to meet face to face with the people God showed me while in the other room.

In 2009 Bishop Simon Karisa invited me for a pastors conference in Mombasa. While in a conference the leader that day asked the US H.I.M Team to line up in front and asked the congregation to go and be prayed for.

I was seated among the behind seats as I stood up, I looked straight to the pulpit. My eyes met with that of Apostle Mark Tubbs, immediately a very bright ray from his eyes hit my eyes. The rays looked like a bundle of electricity wires and instantly my whole body was electrified. It seemed like I had stood on live electric wires being shocked by electricity and in a state unable to walk a way for about seven minutes. Amidst it all, the Lord brought the other photo that He showed me while in the room and placed it on the right side of Apostle Mark Tubbs. Indeed God deserves all the glory he was exactly the one. I heard a clear voice say to me “he is the one I showed you when you while you waited on me in the room and through him you will get a father”. Filled with great joy in my heart I so much wanted to share that testimony immediately but, the Holy Spirit reminded me the instructions He had given to me while in Uganda preparing to go for the Pastors conference in Mombasa.He told me “Do no speak to a muzungu” in that conference. I asked the Lord why? A Voice answered me and said the Holy Spirit will speak to them on your behalf. For three different times I wanted to share that testimony. The third time, the Holy Spirit told me “wait” you will share that testimony with Mark while you are with him in Uganda. Immediately after the conference I left for Uganda but, with a very big case on my heart to present to the Lord “Heavenly father open a door for H.I.M in Uganda”

The Holy Spirit opened my heart to understand clearly psalms 126 on the 29th of March, 2011 when the US H.I.M Team landed on Uganda soil. Allow me to say again “God is faithful”. The long awaited day came to pass on the 30th March, 2011; I was with Apostle Mark Tubbs in a Costa from Entebbe to Kapyani, allisa in Eastern region of Uganda. The Lord provided a platform for me to share the testimony with Apostle Mark. That day I again learnt the results of accepting to run the race before me at the pace of the Holy Spirit.


Upon H.I.M visit to Uganda the following changes have occurred;

There is a very tremendous breakthrough in the spiritual atmosphere. People who had abandoned the Lord but, when you left people have continued to come not only on Sunday but even in our weekly prayer meetings to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savor. This is a sign that you spoke to the spiritual atmosphere. The scriptures in Mathew Chapter 21 have become more real to us. To God be the Glory.

The Government begun to work on the road the next week when you left. A road that had been abandoned for six months with hips of stones in the middle of the road. A clear evidence that you spoke to the strongholds that were holding the Nation.

Many people are still cerebrating Jesus because of the miracles they received during the course of the HI.I.M conference in Uganda. Among others is Nammajja who was born deaf and at the age of 12, God broke the yoke of deafness during the H.I.M conference. We thank God for such Undeniable testimonies in the Country.

The strongholds of division that had held the pastors causing them no to embrace the concept that we are one body was broken. On Friday 6th May I invited 12 churches within the sub county for a Fire overnight and they all came. This was not the case before.

There is an increase in the Prophetic grace in the church I pastor ever since the H.I.M Team stepped on the church soil.

For six months we had experienced a drought season in the entire district. When H.I.M Team entered the district Heaven opened and released rain in abundance.

After the H.I.M team had left, I had the opportunity to meet the chairman local council 111 of the area who had attended one session of the H.I.M Conference, “He said though I am not born again but those peoples teachings are so dynamic and so helpful in our day to day life and he promised not to miss the second H.I.M conference.

2011 FOCUS

I am working towards completing the church, I kindly request you to put me in your prayers so that by the second H.I.M mission to Uganda you find when we have completed the church.


I would like to communicate frequently as possible but , I only access in ternate in pallisa and many times there is power problem. Please pray with me so that God helps me to overcome that challenge.


Once again I would like to appreciate Apostle Mark Tubbs for your love, compassion and support to me in the Ministry.

I appreciate you so much for coming with Pastor Steven Kim. The prayer he offered to me as my spiritual father really touched my heart.

Is it possible to send Pastor Steven Kim to come back here so that He runs some teachings concerning Fatherhood?